Grace Health

Jun 4, 20224 min

How To Find Your Cervix?

The cervix is often brought up in conversations on female health. You have probably heard of it when discussing; cervical mucus, tampons, menstrual cups and when a woman is in labour. But what is it, where is it found and what’s the big fuss about it? Learning how to check your cervix is easy. Though it might sound like something your doctor should be doing, there’s no reason why a woman can’t learn how to check her cervix and notice all the changes throughout her menstrual cycle. Continue reading to learn how.

What is the cervix and where is it?

Not sure what it is? We got you! The cervix can be described as a small and round area which joins the upper part of the vagina to the uterus. Think of it as a door! It produces mucus( the cervical mucus) throughout your cycle which is clear or white. During ovulation, it opens slightly and the mucus becomes thinner to allow the sperm to easily swim up the uterus and fertilise an egg. The next time it opens is during your period to allow the blood out.

During pregnancy, it remains closed to keep the baby in the uterus and will only soften and dilate during the last stages of pregnancy and childbirth. Have you ever heard doctors in movies asking, “How far is she? 10 centimetres?” They are referring to the dilation (opening) of the cervix.

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What’s the point of checking my cervix?

Perhaps you are already thinking, that the cervix seems to be working just fine so why should I check it? Well, if you are trying to conceive, checking your cervical position can help identify your fertile window and get the best timing to have sex. Remember the cervical position moves during your cycle. During ovulation, it moves higher and this is the optimal position for conception. Then toward your period, it moves lower to help blood leave your vagina.

That makes sense, right?

Tips for checking my cervix

Before getting into how to do it. Here are a few things you could try or keep in mind:

  • As you learn how to check your cervical position, try to check every other couple of days even when you are not ovulating. This is because it’s easier to find it when you are not ovulating and you will have an idea of what to check for.

  • Check your cervical position at the same time every day.

  • Don’t check your cervical position when you are having sex or after. The cervix tends to move around based on your level of sexual arousal. It doesn’t matter what stage of your menstrual cycle you’re in.

How to find my cervix: Step-by-step instructions

Now that you know all this, are you ready to find your cervix? Here’s how to get started:

  1. Wash your hands - And wash them thoroughly! You don’t want to introduce any bacteria that could cause an infection. Remember when we talked about how to clean your vagina?- (Insert the blog post to be published here) If you are dealing with a yeast infection or any other vaginal infection, it’s best to wait for it to clear up before checking your cervix.

  2. Take the necessary precautions - This has to do with timing. Avoid checking after sexual activity. When in labour, keep in mind that repeated checks could introduce bacteria, so there’s a need to be cautious. Especially if your water has broken.

  3. Find a comfortable position - While this may vary from person to person, the point is to choose a position that will help you find the cervix easily. For some this may be in the shower, sitting on the toilet, placing one leg on the edge of the bathtub, squatting, or the position you use to insert a tampon or menstrual cup. It doesn’t hurt to try, just go with what feels best.

  4. Reach your finger inside your vagina - Using your index or middle finger, slowly slide your finger in an upwards motion as far as you can reach. Remember the explanation given above on how the cervix could be thought of as a door? For this scenario you can think of your vagina as a hallway then the door - the cervix, is at the end.

  5. Feel the cervix - The vagina is more soft or spongy to the touch but the cervix feels much harder. It’s usually more firm.

What should I be looking for?

Great! You now know how to locate your cervix but what exactly should you be looking for?

  1. Cervical position - Is it higher up or lower down? A cervix that is high, soft and open is a fertile cervix. While a cervix that is low, firm and closed is not considered a fertile sign. It could mean that you’re not yet ovulating or have already ovulated.

  2. Cervical softness - Is it soft or firm? The softer the more fertile. It could feel like the tip of your nose when not fertile and like your lips when fertile.

  3. Cervical opening - Is it open or closed? It will be slightly open before ovulation and again just before and during your period. The opening is tiny. However, if you have given birth before or had a miscarriage the opening may increase in size and never fully close. Nothing to worry about though

  4. Cervical mucus - It is also important to check your cervical mucus? Also known as the vaginal discharge which changes as you approach ovulation. Cervical mucus at this time is a vital ovulation sign and can help you time sex for pregnancy.

There you have it! After reading this you now know what your clitoris is, why you need to check it during your cycle and how to go about it. It’s pretty simple. Once you give it a try and do it more often it should come easily. Remember, you could always refer to this blog post should you need to see all the steps and facts again.😊

Do you feel confident enough to check your cervix now?

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