Grace Health

May 3, 20233 min

When Should I Change My Contraceptive?

Updated: May 15, 2023

Contraception is a vital part of reproductive health and family planning for people of all ages and backgrounds. While choosing a contraceptive can be a personal and intimate decision, it's equally important to know when to switch to a new method. Whether you're experiencing unwanted side effects, changes in your health, or lifestyle adjustments, it's crucial to understand when to talk to your healthcare provider about changing your contraceptive.

In this blog post, we'll explore some common reasons why you may need to switch your contraceptive and provide you with tips on how to transition to a new method that's safe and effective for your individual needs.

What to consider before changing:

  1. Changes in your health

  2. Severe side effects

  3. Effectiveness

  4. Lifestyle changes

  5. Cost

When is it a good idea to switch from one to another?

Changes in your health

If you experience a significant change in your health, it may be necessary to change your contraceptive. For example, if you develop high blood pressure, diabetes, or certain types of migraines, you may need to switch to a different type of contraceptive.

Severe side effects

Some women experience unwanted side effects from their contraceptives, such as weight gain, mood changes, or decreased libido. If you're experiencing side effects that are impacting your quality of life, talk to your healthcare provider about switching to a different method.

If you're concerned about the effectiveness of your contraceptive, you may want to consider switching to a more reliable method. For example, if you're using a barrier method like condoms and want to reduce the risk of unintended pregnancy, you may want to consider a hormonal method like the pill, patch, or ring.

Lifestyle changes

If your lifestyle has changed since you started using your current contraceptive, you may need to switch to a method that better fits your new lifestyle. For example, if you've started a new job with irregular hours, you may want to switch from a daily pill to a long-acting method like an IUD or implant.


If the cost of your contraceptive is becoming a burden, you may want to consider switching to a less expensive method. There are many affordable options available, including generic versions of popular brands and non-hormonal methods like condoms and fertility awareness-based methods.

Is there a preferred way of changing contraceptives?

Yes! It is important to go straight from one birth control method to the next, with no gaps in between. This will help lower your chance of getting pregnant. If you take birth control pills, you do not need to finish the pill pack before switching to another method. You can stop taking your pill at any point in the pack.

If you are switching to pills from another method, you should start by taking the first pill in the pack. Apply the same rules when switching from one kind of pill to another kind of pill.

You may have changes in your period after switching birth control methods. This is normal and expected. Do not wait for your period before you stop the old method or start the new one.

Some questions to ask your doctor before switching?

It is okay to still have a lot of questions when thinking of changing your contraceptive methods. After all, this is your body and you need to know as much information as possible before you make any decision. Here are some questions to start with:

  • Will my body need time to adjust when switching between methods?

  • Are there any special instructions for stopping my current method?

  • Should I use another form of birth control in the meantime?

  • Are there any side effects that could be harmful?

  • How quickly does this new method take effect?

  • What should I know about this new method?

The takeaway

Talking to your healthcare provider before switching to a new contraceptive method is important. They can help you choose a method that's safe and effective for your individual needs and provide guidance on how to transition to your new method. With the right contraceptive, you can enjoy peace of mind and control over your reproductive health.

Stay informed, Stay in control
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