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Common period myths busted

Updated: Mar 28, 2022

From the time we get our first period and for some even before that, we have heard a couple of stories and ideologies about menstruation some of which are myths. The Menstruation process has always been an integral part of the body for anyone with a uterus experience. Because of it, pregnancies are possible which results in the continuation of the human race. Simply put, without it, you probably wouldn't be here reading this! However, despite all the possibilities and facts that are centered on it, many myths still go around to date. That’s where Grace Health comes in to bust some of these myths.

Why bust period myths?

Well, if you are able to distinguish a period fact from a myth then that’s great! But think of the many who have a period or just started one but still go around believing all sorts of things. These myths contribute to gender-based taboos, stigmatization, and discrimination. Ultimately making it harder to speak about periods leading to shame and misconception. A common phrase we like to share at Grace is that “A woman who knows her body is in control”. This means that once you understand the inner working of your body, your menstrual cycle to be precise it’s difficult to believe and share myths when you know the facts.

Here are 5 common period myths we need to put to rest:

Myth 1: We should not talk publicly about periods

The same way you do not hesitate to talk about which next nail polish color you are going for, your favorite cosmetic product, or your hair is the same way we should feel free to talk about menstruation. After all, it is a completely natural process!

Myth 2: Sanitary products should be bought privately and covered with a black paper bag

Since sanitary products are essential for anyone who menstruates it is okay to publicly purchase these products and pack them with the rest of your things. They are not impure or contaminated! If we can comfortably buy soap, toothpaste, and tissue we should also be able to do the same for sanitary products as it is part of hygiene.

Myth 3: It is possible to shorten or delay your period

No, there is no special food or activity that one can do to delay or shorten a period. Forget all that you’ve heard or read about eating raw paw-paw fruit or lemons. Drinking more water and engaging in light exercise can help give a more comfortable period but none of these have been scientifically proven to delay/shorten your period. Interfering with your menstrual cycle can actually cause more harm than good.

Myth 4: During your period don’t touch or go near plants.

This cannot be true and if you think about it, it’s quite hard to avoid being next to plants as they are all around us. Plants like any other living thing survive and thrive from good care and attention. Plants are not allergic to someone menstruating and they will certainly not die.

Myth 5: You should wait to be old enough to use a tampon

There is no special age that qualifies you for tampon use. If you are old enough to have a period, you are also old enough to use a tampon. They are just one of the many forms of collection methods used. Many people claim that tampons “break virginity” which is incorrect.

Here’s a surprising fact your hymen doesn’t actually “break” — it stretches. Tampons might stretch your hymen, but it’s also possible that your hymen has stretched in other ways already, or will, or won’t stretch even when you do have sex. Tampons are small, and can usually be inserted through the existing opening of your hymen in your vagina. This is how all the blood and blood clots on your period come out.

How to burst other myths in the future?

These 5 myths are only the tip of the iceberg and it’s likely that you know of so many others. The real question is how can you burst other myths in the future? In a few words, the answer is, always fact check! This means researching with reliable sources to confirm how trustworthy the piece of information is. When fact-checking a few questions to ask yourself are:

  • Is the piece of information from a reliable source?

  • How recent is the information? (when was it shared)

A good practice as mentioned earlier is to learn as much as possible about your menstrual cycle. You can do so through regular tracking of your period and symptoms as well as educating yourself on menstruation topics all using the Grace Health app.

Have you learned something? Are there any other myths you know of that are not mentioned here? Share with us in the comments.

Stay informed, Stay in control

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cheng sun
cheng sun
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barlow jenkins
barlow jenkins
19 ago

The more we can normalize menstruation and dispel these harmful myths, the better off everyone will be. Thanks for sharing this house of hazards article. I look forward to reading more and hopefully being able to pass on some of this myth-busting information to others who may still be misinformed.

Me gusta

28 dic 2022

Good day grace, I will like to know if menstruation can happen twice in a month with the same length

Me gusta

28 dic 2022

Why do I feel so much pain at the left side of my lower abdomen together with hot inner flashes few weeks before most of my period day

Me gusta
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